We have many needs and therefore have created this ‘projects’ page to help those interested to find a way to invest into the lives of those in Papua New Guinea through this ministry.
Dinghy Project – needed $7,000 – COMPLETE!
We have a need for a dinghy to reach the village folks along the Fly River with the gospel. After seeing our presentation, a church in Florida committed to give $6,000 towards this need. That leaves us with only $1,138 left to go to be able to purchase this upon our return! Praise God! (The quote of 7,138 includes a 40 Hp Yamaha engine)

Ministry Vehicle – still need $7,000
We have a great need for a ministry vehicle that we can use for a variety of things. Because of all of the construction work that we will be doing to develop the property we need a flatbed truck. A flatbed truck can be converted by adding bench seats and canvas over the bed to carry people as well. This will allow us to bring many people to our church services!

This flatbed truck is similar to what we have recently found available in Kiunga town. Because of the extremely difficult time of transporting vehicles up the 700 nautical mile river from other major cities we need to find something available in our town. $3,000 has already been committed to this important project.
House frame – still need $5,000
Our ongoing project is our house. We have lived in PNG for four years and we have been waiting (not so patiently) to be able to live in a house of our own. The biggest roadblock to this was the purchase of land to build on. Because there was no ‘state’ land available in the town of Kiunga we were forced to acquire ‘customary’ land. This turned out to be much harder than we had imagined and took several years to get settled.
Now that we have acquired the land from the land owners we are ready to move forward with the building. We have some of the building materials already purchased and waiting at the sight. Much more is still needed. The next step is getting the pieces for the actual frame of the building. Because of the extremely voracious termites in our area we have decided to go with a steel frame house that is available in kit form. This kit house is available for the price of K58,857. That translates to only $17,657!

If you are interested in more information please feel free to contact me (joshflorence4christ@gmail.com). We are putting a building team together to help build the house around October of this year.