God confirmed our calling to the country of Papua New Guinea in 2010. Since then we have endeavored to follow His leading as to how and where He would have us to make His name known and glorified among these precious people.

Our goal is to see an indigenous church planting movement initiated among the Papua New Guineans by God’s grace enabling us for His honor and glory!

This starts by simply sharing the gospel of Christ with the people until someone gets born again through repentance and faith in Christ’s finished work. Then the long process of discipleship begins. As the baby Christians are nourished through regular teaching and preaching of the Bible they must be physically shown by the example of another how a Christian is supposed to live in this sinful world. As the number and maturity of the believers grow we will look for a central meeting place where we can conveniently continue to teach them on a regular basis. Out of this initial work we pray that many would be called by God to go out and reproduce themselves throughout Papua New Guinea! (see Western Baptist Bible School)

We have had the privilege of serving the Lord in a few different areas in Papua New Guinea. We lived for one year in the remote mountains of the Gulf Province along with veteran missionaries Matt and John Allen. The Lord moved us to the Western Province in September of 2015. We are still continuing to minister in this location.

Please enjoy some of the videos we have created over the last few years:


(The land has been purchased and now we are on to the development stage.)

Original presentation created after our first visit in 2010. The Lord has taught us and directed us in many ways since then but our overall goals and purpose remain: Reach PNG with the Gospel of Christ for God’s Glory.